Trail Cycling
The Darling Downs Estate has approximately 25 kilometres of bridle trails you can go cycling with a group of friends or with your dog. They also link up into the Darling Ranges and down to the Oakford bridal trails, so you can really stretch yourself.
Many of the trails loop back on themselves, so you can manage how far you want to cycle.
All the trails have a compacted surface and mostly all level ground. There is a car park at the end of Evening Peal Court, where you can start your ride.
Most ridden horses are used to people walking and cycling past them, but if you have a dog with you, please have him or her under your control and move to one side of the track to allow the horse and rider to pass safely.
Thank you.
“Some days its not about speed or how far you ride.
Sometimes its just about therapy."
“Don't Limit your Challenges, Challenge your Limits.”