Contact Us
Get in Touch
Darling Downs Residents Association (DDRA) Committee | 0417 924 325

Other Contacts
Shire Rangers
Rangers provide various services to our community including:
Dealing with unauthorized vehicles being ridden or driven on the Darling Downs Estate grounds
Animal control - loose horses and dogs
Dealing with litter and illegal dumping of rubbish
Keeping an eye on illegal camping
People acting contrary to community expectations.
If you have an urgent matter, you'd like to bring to the attention of the Shire Rangers contact a Ranger through the Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire on 9526111 or direct on 9526 1136 (if diverted to a message bank, please leave a clear message with contact details).
Outside working hours contact the Police on 131444
Remember if it is an emergency call 000 before calling the Rangers.
Agencies or services that you may require:
RSPCA: Animal welfare / cruelty calls 1300 278 3589
Wildlife: Calls relating to injured wildlife
Wildcare: 9474 9055
Darling Range Shelter WA : 9394 0885
Beehive Relocator (Romesh) 0412 099 002